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Life overflowing

讓生命力湧流 Life overflowing 董帖心牧師 Pastor Deborah 詩篇 Psalm 1:1-6 一、渴慕生命樹的人有福了v1-2 Blessed is he who longs for the Tree of Life 二、裝載生命水,湧流生命力v3-4 Be filled with the river of life and life overflows 三、生命樹必勝分別善惡樹!v5-6 The Tree of Life shall triumph over the Tree of knowing good and evil

Fill the earth with the breath of tree of life

生命樹氣息遍滿全地 Fill the earth with the breath of tree of life 黃德隆同工 Co-worker Lemuel 創 Gen 1:28 一、遍滿地面 使大地分別為聖 Fill the earth to consecrate it. (創 Gen 1:28;出 Exo 28:41、29:9) 二、成為生命樹 遍滿全地 Become a tree of life to fill the earth (賽 Isa 61:9-11、啟 Rev 22:2)

Day 6: Receive the blessing of multiplied fruitfulness!

第六日:領受生養倍增之福! Day 6: Receive the blessing of multiplied fruitfulness! 周亦駿傳道 Pastor Joash 一、生養眾多,救贖全地 (創1:1-2,1:26-28,9:1,28:3,出1:7) 1. Be fruitful and multiply and redeem the whole earth (Genesis 1:1-2, 1:26-28, 9:1, 28:3, Exodus 1:7) 二、相信應許,得著倍增 (創26:23-24,28:1-3,10,14-15) 2. Believe in the promise and receive multiplication (Genesis 26:23-24, 28:1-3,10,14-15)

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