盧健明傳道 Pastor Michael
孫明真傳道 Pastor Esther
約翰福音 John 4:46-54
Pastor Joash
Co-worker Jackson
John 2
讓生命力湧流 Life overflowing 董帖心牧師 Pastor Deborah 詩篇 Psalm 1:1-6 一、渴慕生命樹的人有福了v1-2 Blessed is he who longs for the Tree of Life 二、裝載生命水,湧流生命力v3-4 Be filled with the river of life and life overflows 三、生命樹必勝分別善惡樹!v5-6 The Tree of Life shall triumph over the Tree of knowing good and evil
王建勝牧師 Pastor Jason
太 Mat 9:9-17
何傑牧師 Pastor Hokit
梁慧敏師母 C-mo Deborah
馬可福音 Mark 10:17-30
生命樹氣息遍滿全地 Fill the earth with the breath of tree of life 黃德隆同工 Co-worker Lemuel 創 Gen 1:28 一、遍滿地面 使大地分別為聖 Fill the earth to consecrate it. (創 Gen 1:28;出 Exo 28:41、29:9) 二、成為生命樹 遍滿全地 Become a tree of life to fill the earth (賽 Isa 61:9-11、啟 Rev 22:2)
第六日:領受生養倍增之福! Day 6: Receive the blessing of multiplied fruitfulness! 周亦駿傳道 Pastor Joash 一、生養眾多,救贖全地 (創1:1-2,1:26-28,9:1,28:3,出1:7) 1. Be fruitful and multiply and redeem the whole earth (Genesis 1:1-2, 1:26-28, 9:1, 28:3, Exodus 1:7) 二、相信應許,得著倍增 (創26:23-24,28:1-3,10,14-15) 2. Believe in the promise and receive multiplication (Genesis 26:23-24, 28:1-3,10,14-15)