申請表 https://church611.org/mg12小組/
Dear Brothers & Sisters of 611,
Peace be with you! The fifth wave of the epidemic in HK is serious. Our church would like to offer anti-pandemic supplies, love and warmth to our own brothers & sisters and their relatives who are infected or facing urgent financial difficulties.
【Means of Application】
Please ask your cell group leader to fill in the online application form on behalf of you or your relatives. The respective tribe representative will contact the cell group leader and the applicant to arrange the despatch of supplies shortly.
Cell group leaders might click on the following link to go to the page “Jehoshua Care & Warmth application form”.
Application form: https://church611.org/mg12小組/
For those brothers & sisters and friends who haven’t joined cell groups, if needed, you might inform your friends who are in 611 of your needs. Then your applications will be transferred to us by the respective cell group leaders, who will keep contact with you and walk with you throughout your tough time.
May God shower His mercy and protect HK against the pandemic, blessing all with spiritual, emotional and physical health!

申請表 https://church611.org/mg12小組/
歡迎未加入611小組的弟兄姐妹,代表自己或親友填寫本表格申請。 填表後教會MG同工將盡快聯絡閣下,以安排派發物資。
申請表 https://airtable.com/shr72d7Bd6VjGMqIz
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Shalom! The fifth wave of the pandemic in Hong Kong is severe and our church hopes to help people in need with relief packs, sending them love and warmth amid troubled times.
1. Cell Group Members
Please ask your cell leader to fill in the online application form on behalf of you or your relatives and friends. Representatives of your tribe will contact the group leader or the person receiving assistance to arrange the distribution of materials.
Group leaders please click into the following link for application form.
Application form: https://church611.org/mg12小組/
2. Those who are not in a cell group
Please fill in the form for your needs and our church co-workers will contact you.
Application form: https://airtable.com/shr72d7Bd6VjGMqIz
May God show grace and mercy and protect Hong Kong amid pandemic. May He show special care to those in need.
May you be strong in body soul and mind!
611 Bread of Life Christian Church
March 15, 2022