
經文:創世記1:26-29, 2:8-9, 15, 18, 馬太福音5:23-24, 18:15-20, 彼得前書3:7

一、Shekinah遍滿全地 (創1:26-29. 2:8-9, 15, 18)
Shekinah Fill the Earth

1. 生養眾多 (創1:26 – 29)
Be Fruitful and Multiply
2. 修理看守 (創2:8 – 9 ,15)
Work and Guard It
3. 女人幫助 (創2:18)
Help from a Woman

二、Shekinah的次序 (太5:23-24, 18:15-20)
Shekinah’s Order

1. 先修復關係
Relationship is Restored First
2. 再築壇禱告
Then Build the Prayer Altar

三、Shekinah的階梯 (彼前3:7)
Shekinah’s Ladder

1. 男人認罪
Man Repents
2. 女人感恩
Woman Giving Thanks