
Heavenly Ladder of Grace

羅馬書 5:1-21

一、七重恩典 v.1-11
Seven-fold Grace

1. 因信稱義 Justified by Faith v.1
2. 與神相和 Have Peace with God v.1
3. 歡歡喜喜盼望神榮耀 Rejoice in the Hope of God’s Glory v.2-8
4. 免去神忿怒 Saved from God’s Wrath v.9
5. 與神和好 Reconcile to God v.10
6. 得救 Saved v.10
7. 以神為樂 Rejoice in God v.11

二、恩典比罪更多 v.12-21
Grace Abounds Much More than Sin

1. 過犯不如恩賜 The Gift is not like the trespass v.12-15
2. 定罪不如恩賜 The Gift is not like the judgment v.16
3. 蒙恩的人在生命中作王 Those received grace reign in Life v.17
4. 罪顯多,恩典更顯多 Sin increased, Grace increased all the more v.18-21