教會在剛過去的主日午堂崇拜(3月22日)舉行了岩山英司牧師(Pastor Eiji)及岩山靖子師母(Pastor Yasuko)的差遣禮,我們的第68間分堂、即日本的第五間分堂即將成立。新分堂將位於日本北海道札幌,與南面沖繩611靈糧堂遙遙相對,意味著日本從最南到最北,也要傳揚耶和華的大慈愛。
岩山夫婦二人於按立禮上感慨,昔日身上背負著很重的擔子,夫婦二人在婚後又只談事工和事情,甚少情感上的交流及談心。在香港這半年的時間,他們深深經歷了神的Kindness,夫婦間的關係得以修補,背上的重擔也完全脫落,可以輕省走前面的路。他們將新分堂將名為Hesed 611靈糧堂(Hesed為Kindness的希伯來文原文,)盼望能將神的Kindness、夫婦及家庭復興的恩膏帶回日本。
岩山家一家五口將於3月30日起行返回日本,二人回去後約有半年時間要同時牧養原來的教會及Hesed 611靈糧堂,盼大家多為他們和日本禱告,願耶和華親自成就日本復興的心意。■【2015.03.29】
The Commissioning Ceremony of Pastors Eiji and Yasuko for the establishment of our 5th Japanese branch church was held during our church’s 2 service on 22 March. The new branch church will be situated in the north, where, on the opposite end of Japan, another one of our branch churches, Okinawa 611 Bread of Life Christian Church, is located in the south. This signifies that, from the north to the south, Japan must declare the great kindness of the Lord!
At their commissioning, the Japanese pastors shared that they used to carry great burdens on their backs in the past, and after marriage, only talked about ministry and issues in life, rarely sharing on an emotional level from the heart. However, after spending the last six months in Hong Kong, they experienced the kindness of God deeply and their marriage relationship was restored. With the great load on their backs totally removed, they are now able to continue on the path ahead with lightness.
With hopes that God’s Kindness and the anointing of revival of marriages and of families be brought to Japan, the name of the new branch church will be, Hesed 611 Bread of Life (Hesed, in the Hebrew language, means Kindness).
Eiji’s family of five will return to Japan on 30th March and the two of them will spend about six months pastoring their original church, and at the same time, Hesed 611 as well. They are asking us to pray for them and for Japan, that God will accomplish His plan of bringing revival there. • [2015.03.29]