
禱告敬拜勝懼怕 恩典平安滿竹篙



#竹篙灣 #隔離檢疫 #新冠確診 #耶和華拯救 #敬拜禱告

Bringing peace to Penny’s Bay by worships and prayers
Brother Henry Sister Raelin

Raelin is a painting teacher. As a student of hers was infected with Covid, she and the rest of the students of the same class together with all their family members were sent to Penny’s Bay for quarantine. She felt nervous and heavy about this sudden news. It happened that a coworker’s family was also sent to Penny’s Bay, so they created a whatsapp group named “Jehoshua Worship Group” to encourage the thirty some members.

Henry and Raelin found Penny’s Bay quiet and tidy, providing a 24-hour assistance, as well as some surprising snacks and fruits, new painting tools and clothes. All members shared and encouraged each other via the whatsapp group. They were taking turns to worship with trumpets, banners and prophetic paintings, and were filled with laughter and joy. Raelin then realized that God would like them to experience His presence and salvation in the midst of distress, and to pray for and bless Penny’s Bay.

#Penny’s Bay #quarantine #covid infections #Jehoshua #worship and pray