Holy matrimony under the Tree of Life
1. In God
2. A man and a woman
3. A lifetime
1. In God
2. A man and a woman
3. A lifetime
神是我們唯一的天父爸爸,除祂以外沒有別的神,Eben叔叔分享一同走在One Way的道路上,得著這份屬天的盼望和應許!
1. The love and trust between Paul and Philemon
2. The love and trust between Paul and Onesimus
潘永權族長 MG Leader Eben
路加福音 Luke 15:5-32
我兒,你在哪裏?! My son, where are you? 1) 慈愛的等待 (路Luke 15:11-24) Wait in Kindness 2) 忍耐的期待 (路Luke 15:25-32 […]
1) Wait in Kindness
2) Anticipate with patience
3) Rejoice together
潘永權傳道 Pastor Eben
羅秀頴傳道 Pastor Sau Wing
馬太福音 Matthew 5:6
愛與信任 跟從到底 With love and trust, follow to the end 經文:約翰福音John 21章 一. 愛的經歷 提升生命 v.1-14 Experience of l […]
如鷹背負起飛吧! Fly high as on eagle’s wing 講員:潘永權族長、羅秀頴族長 MG Leader Eben, Sau Wing 經文:出埃及記 Exodus 19:1-6 1 […]