在愛與信任中,與神同行祝福萬有 In love and trust, walk with God and bless all creations 段樹仁牧師 Pastor Jason Tuan 來 H […]
在愛與信任中,與神同行祝福萬有 In love and trust, walk with God and bless all creations 段樹仁牧師 Pastor Jason Tuan 來 H […]
段樹仁牧師 Pastor Jason
孫漢威同工 Co-worker Boaz
約翰福音 John 11-12
段樹仁牧師 Pastor Jason
箴言 8
段樹仁牧師 Pastor Jason
創世記 1:26-31
段樹仁牧師 Pastor Jason
創世記 1:26-31
段樹仁牧師 Pastor Jason
創世記 1:1-31
擁抱神創造,活出真正好 Embrace God’s creation, live a genuine, just and good life 段樹仁牧師 Pastor Jason Tuan […]
1. God transcends all creation (v1)
2. God’s creation is totally beautiful (v.2-25)
3. You and I are God’s most beautiful creation (v.26-31)