Connect to the True Vine

Yohane Kina
Isaiah 5:1-7, John 15:1-5, Revelations 22:1-2

1) Before: no true vine, no good fruits (Isaiah 5:1-7 )
a) do not become bad vine (v1-2)
b) do not blame God for bad fruits (v3-6)
c) bear fruits God wants (v7)

2) Now: Connected to the True Vine. Good fruits (John 15:1-5)
A) Let Father raise up/clean us (v1-3)
B) Remain in the Son (v4-5)

3) After: Plant Tree of Life everywhere (Revelations 22:1-2)

Discussion Question
1. What are some bad fruits we bear by ourselves?
2. What are some good fruits we bear after “connecting”?
3. What does it mean to plant Tree of Life in your life?