經文:詩篇 118
一. 要紀念神的慈愛 v.1-4
Remember God’s kindness
二. 投靠神就能得勝 v.5-22
Take refuge in God and be victorious
a. 勝過敵人的圍困 v.5-9
Overcome the seige of the enemy
b. 勝過萬國的圍困 v.10-14
Overcome the seige of the nations
c. 勝過死亡的圍困 v.15-18
Overcome the seige of death
d. 凱旋聖殿澤萬邦 v.19-22;代下2Ch20:27-28
Return victoriously to the temple to bless the nations
三. 來到祭壇前敬拜 v.23-29
Come to the altar to worship
a. 這日我要呼求神
This is the day I cry out to God v.23-25
b. 理當敬拜耶和華
Must worship the Lord v.26-29