經文:利未記 25:8-55
一、主賜禧年 全地自由 (v.8-12)
God-given Jubilee, liberty throughout the land
二、主恩美好,人人飽嚐 (v.13-55)
God’s good grace everyone tastes in full
1. 肯悔改就有機會 (v.13-17)
Willing to repent, has second chance
2. 肯安息就得飽足(v.18-19)
Willing to rest, enjoy in full
3. 神大能豐富供應 (v.120-22)
God’s mighty abundant provision
4. 全地都是神所賜 (v.23-34)
All the land are God’s gift
5. 彼此幫助幫到底 (v.35-38)
Help each other to the end
6. 你我都是神僕人 (v.39-46)
You and I are God’s servant
7. 神必拯救你到底 (v.47-55)
God will save you to the end
三、與主同工,作主器皿 (以賽亞書 61:1-2;路加福音 4:18-19)
Work with the Lord, be His vessel
1. 透入福音大收割
Great harvest by the Gospel
2. 委身醫治釋放人
Be committed to healing and deliverance
3. 復興審判同儆醒 ( 歷代志下36:21)
Be vigilant for the revival and judgement