一、血肉的西門 太Matt 16:15-17,約John 1:42
The Simon of flesh
1. 人的兒子
Son of man
2. 血肉的指示
Revealed by man
二、屬神的彼得 太Matt 16:18上,約John 1:42
The Peter of God
1. 天父的啟示
Revealed by the Heavenly Father
2. 神造的器皿
The vessel made by God
三、教會的磐石 太Matt 16:18下-19
The Rock of Church
1. 教會建造在這磐石上 v.18下
Church built upon this rock
2. 勝過陰間的權柄
Overcome the power of hell
3. 得著天國的鑰匙 v.19,賽Isaiah 61:1-3
Receive the keys of the kingdom of heaven