
Pleasant 2016

張恩年牧師 Pastor Joshua
詩篇 Psalm 16

一、從投靠神開始 (v.1-4)
Start from taking refuge in God

1. 投靠神的呼求 (v.1)
The plea to take refuge in God
2. 試探的聲音 (v.2-3)
The voice of temptation
3. 聖靈的聲音 (v.4)
The voice of Holy Spirit

二、在神同在中得著 (v.5-8)
Receive in the presence of God

1. 以神同在為滿足 (v.5-6)
Delight in the presence of God
2. 活在神同在中 (v.7-8)
Dwell in the presence of God

三、在神拯救中展現 (v.9-11)
Unfold in the Salvation

1. 信神拯救而喜樂 (v.9-10)
Rejoice in the salvation by faith
2. 展現生命之道 (v.11)
Unfold the path of life