The unquenchable seal of the Warrior Bride
張恩年牧師 Pastor Joshua
雅歌 8:5-14
一、火焰的印記 8:5-7
Seal of flame of fire
二、火焰的啟示 8:8-12
Revelation of flame of fire
三、永恆的差派與盼望 8:13-14
Eternal commission and hope
The unquenchable seal of the Warrior Bride
張恩年牧師 Pastor Joshua
雅歌 8:5-14
一、火焰的印記 8:5-7
Seal of flame of fire
二、火焰的啟示 8:8-12
Revelation of flame of fire
三、永恆的差派與盼望 8:13-14
Eternal commission and hope