經文:以弗所書 5:1-20
一、行在愛中 脫離黑暗 v.1–7
Walk In Love, Break Away From Darkness
1. 作兒女捨己獻上 v.1–2
Offer ourselves as dearly loved children
2. 言行模式不隨世界 v.3–7
Our walk do not conform to the world
二、行在光中 責備黑暗 v.8–14
Walk In Light, Rebuke Darkness
1. 結出光明的果子 v.8–10
Bear the fruit of light
2. 光明顯露黑暗 v.11–14
Expose darkness through light
三、行在末日 勝過黑暗 v.15–20
Walk In The Last Days, Overcome Darkness
1. 作智慧人,明白末日已到 v.15–17
Be wise, know that the last days have come
2. 聖靈充滿,敬拜真神 v.18–20
Be filled with the spirit, woship the One True God