經文:馬太福音Matthew 1
一.信實神在人間掌權 v.1、17
The Faithful God rules in the kingdom of men
(創世記Genesis 22:18,撒母耳記下2 Samuel 7:16)
二.堅定信心,得著應許 v.2
Steadfast faith, receive promises
(羅馬書Romans 4:18-21)
三.敏捷順服,成就救恩 v.18-25
Readily obedience, fulfill salvation
經文:馬太福音Matthew 1
一.信實神在人間掌權 v.1、17
The Faithful God rules in the kingdom of men
(創世記Genesis 22:18,撒母耳記下2 Samuel 7:16)
二.堅定信心,得著應許 v.2
Steadfast faith, receive promises
(羅馬書Romans 4:18-21)
三.敏捷順服,成就救恩 v.18-25
Readily obedience, fulfill salvation