
經文:馬可福音 Mark 16

一、看哪!耶穌已經復活! (v.1-14)
Behold! Jesus has risen!

A. 面對困難,有天使效力 (v.1-4)
In face of troubles, angels will help!

B. 超越期待,耶穌祂活著 (v.5-9)
Beyond expectations, Jesus is alive!

C. 突破框框,必看見耶穌 (v.10-14)
Break through limitations, you shall see Jesus!

二、去吧!你有權柄能力 (v.15-20)
Go! You have power and authority!

A. 普世宣教,神跡相隨 (v.15-18)
Preach the Gospel, signs shall follow

B. 全人擺上,與主同工 (v.19-20)
Offer up completely, co-labor with God