- 得勝的羔羊,順服的新婦
The Triumphant Lamb, the Submissive Bride
Vers: Rev. 19:7-16, 19-21
一. 順服的新婦 (啟19:7-10)
The submissive Bride
二. 得勝的羔羊 (啟19:11-16,19-21)
The triumphant Lamb
三. 基督與教會的奧秘 (弗5:22-25,31-33)
The Mystery of Christ and the church
The Triumphant Lamb, the Submissive Bride
Vers: Rev. 19:7-16, 19-21
一. 順服的新婦 (啟19:7-10)
The submissive Bride
二. 得勝的羔羊 (啟19:11-16,19-21)
The triumphant Lamb
三. 基督與教會的奧秘 (弗5:22-25,31-33)
The Mystery of Christ and the church