
經文: 箴言Proverbs 22

一.價值選擇的教育 v.1-6
Make choices of values
1.教養孩童走在信心的選擇上 v.6
Train to walk in decisions of faith

二.撒種收成的教育 v.7-11
Sow to reap
1.褻慢與清心決定誰與王為友 v.10-11
Attitude determines whom the king be with friends

三.開啟愚蒙的教育 v.12-16
Be open-minded
1.有效的撞擊遠遠趕除愚蒙 v.15
Effectively drive out deceits

四.倚靠耶和華的教育 v.17-21,29
Rely on God
1.真情實理就是倚靠耶和華 v.19-21
Trusting the Lord is the assured truth
2.教育的成效:站在王前 v.29
The result: you will stand before kings