
經文:雅各書James 4:11-17

一、不批評別人,乃心存Kindness v.11
Do not speak against others, but have kindness
約翰福音John 8:1-11,馬太福音Matthew 22:37-40

1. 論斷人等同論斷神的話 v.11 馬太福音Matthew 22:37-40
Judging people is same as judging the Word of God

2. 論斷神的話等同踐踏神的話
Judging the Word of God is trampling on the Word of God

二、不坐神的位置,乃謙卑自己 v.12
Do not take God’s seat, but humble ourselves
創世記Genesis 16:5,18:25;撒母耳記上1 Samuel 2:25

1. 只有一位審判者
There is only one Judge v.12

2. 你是誰?
Who are you?

三、不倚靠自己,乃靠神恩典 v.13-17
Do not depend on ourselves, but trust God’s grace

1. 倚靠自己的,都是惡人 v.13-16
Anyone who boasts is an evil man

2. 知善而不行的,都是罪人 v.17
Anyone who knows to do good but doesn’t is a sinner