
Let the mercy of God flow

憐憫有底線嗎?誰是被憐憫的對象?建勝牧師來分享,比較一下 #新約​ 和 舊約 中「憐憫」一詞,原來我們每一個人也蒙神的憐憫!

一. 神的憐憫 亙古長存
God’s mercy is everlasting

1. 該罰卻沒罰,該死卻沒死 (出Exo 32:9-10)
Deserve punishment yet unpunished, deserve death yet alive

2. 不丟棄,不離開 (尼Neh 9:18​-19)
Never forsaking nor departing

3. 覆庇萬有 (出Exo 33:19​, 34:6; 詩Psa 145:9)
Covering all creation

二. 要有憐憫 付諸行動
Have mercy and act upon it
1. 憐恤人的,必蒙憐恤 (太Mat5:7)
Those with mercy will receive mercy
2. 不憐恤人的,不蒙憐恤 (太Mat18:23-35)
Those without mercy will not receive mercy