
經文:以弗所書 6:10-20

一.常穿救恩軍裝,勝過魔鬼 v. 11-17
Always put on the armor of salvation to overcome the devil
A.勝過魔鬼,成為萬有之首 v.11-13
Overcome the devil, become head over all things
1.能抵擋魔鬼詭計 v.11-12
Against the devil’s schemes
2.能抵擋磨難的日子 v.13a
Against the day of evil
3.能成就萬有同歸基督 v.13b
Unite all things under Christ
B.穿救恩軍裝, 得著保護 v.14-17
Protected by putting on the armor of salvation

二.常靠聖靈為教會禱告祈求 v.18-20
Pray in the Spirit for the church
To strengthen all the saints of the glorious church
To make known the mystery of the gospel

三.榮耀教會在敵我爭戰中剛強站立 v.10
The glorious church stands fearlessly in warfare