
Wonderful 2017

張恩年牧師 Pastor Joshua
詩篇 Psalm 98

一、奇妙的得勝 (v.1-3)
Wonderful Victory
1. 耶和華行奇妙的事 (v.1a)
The Lord has done Wonderful things
2. 耶和華成就得勝 (v.1b-3)
The Lord has accomplished victory

二.奇妙的作王 (v.4-6)
Wonderful King
1.全地歡呼歌頌神 (v.4-5)
All the earth shout aloud and praise Him
2.全地歸回創造主 (v.6)
All the earth return to the Creator

三、奇妙的更新 (v.7-9)
Wonderful Renewal
1.萬有向神歡呼 (v.7-8)
All things rejoice
2.萬有更新興旺 (v.9)
All things renew and prosper