
經文: 馬可福音Mark 10:28-31

一.先要撇下 後再得著 v.28-29,馬太福音Matthew 19:27
Leave everything first, receive later

二.人人都有 百倍回收 v.30
Everybody receives a hundred times

三.撇下屬地 得著屬天 v.30
Leave the earthly, receive the heavenly

四.必有逼迫 必得永生 v.30,約翰福音John 15:20,
Inevitable persecution, guaranteed eternal life 提摩太後書2 Timothy 3:12

五.天國寶座 把握機會 v.31,馬太福音Matthew 19:28
Seize the opportunity, Heavenly throne awaits