
Worship the Lord your God only

張恩年牧師 Pastor Joshua
出埃及記 20:4-6

1. 不可造任何形象來敬拜 (出20:4-5a;徒17:24-29;19:24-25)
You shall not make any image for worship

2. 用信心到永活的神面前 (出20:5b;21-26; 來11:6)
Come before the living God by faith

a. 神賜下他的名:「我是耶和華」
God gives His Name: “I am Yahweh”

b. 神賜下他的同在:「你的神」
God gives His Presence : “Your God”

3. 單單事奉「忌邪」的神 (出20:5c-6; 約4:23)
Serve only the “jealous” God

a. 神追討那恨祂的
God attends to those who hate Him

b. 神愛那愛祂的
God loves those who love Him