
Prevail over bullies – You Belong to God’s Family

周亦駿傳道 Pastor Joash
創世記 26: 1-33

一、 順服神,不用怕被殺 (創26:1-11)
1. Obey God without fear of being killed (Genesis 26:1-11)

二、 越欺負,身量越寬廣 (創26:12-22)
2. The more bullied, the greater the capacity (Genesis 26:12-22)

三、 有了神,最終有平安 (創26:23-33)
3. With God, there is peace in the end (Genesis 26:23-33)


蝦得起 (粵語) = 被欺負經得起 (普通話) = Prevail over bullies (英文)