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Obey God’s Word, you shall see miracles

跟從神的話必見神蹟 Obey God’s Word, you shall see miracles   講員:董帖心牧師 Pastor Deborah 日期:2020.11.07 語系:粵(Cantonese)、英(English) 經文:約書亞記 Joshua 2:1-24   一、每一步都有神蹟(書2:1-14) Miracles in each step   二、被救者變拯救者(書2:15-21) The one being saved turned into savior   三、平安傳報好消息(書2:22-24) Safely returned with the good news  


神大軍!你現在到底在幹嘛? God’s great army! What are you doing?   一. 事奉神必被記念 Those who serve the Lord will be remembered (民Num 33:1–4a、38–39)   二. 偶像一定要除滅 Those who worship idols will be destroyed (民Num 33:4b、50–52)   三. 順逆境只是過程 The ups and downs are just a process (民Num 33:9、14)


有愛、有信、有榮耀! More love, more faith, more glory! 經文:約Jhn 11:1-6,17,21,39-40,43-44 大綱: 一. 神愛的人,雖有艱難患難⋯(v.1-6) Those God loves though encounter difficulties and hardships … 二. 愛神的人,雖有埋怨失望 ⋯(v.17,21) Those who love God though grumble with disappointment … 三. 信神的人,必看見神的榮耀 (v.39-40,43-44) Those who believe in God shall see God’s glory

More love, more faith, more glory!

有愛、有信、有榮耀! More love, more faith, more glory! 經文:約Jhn 11:1-6,17,21,39-40,43-44 大綱: 一. 神愛的人,雖有艱難患難⋯(v.1-6) Those God loves though encounter difficulties and hardships … 二. 愛神的人,雖有埋怨失望 ⋯(v.17,21) Those who love God though grumble with disappointment … 三. 信神的人,必看見神的榮耀 (v.39-40,43-44) Those who believe in God shall see God’s glory

Lebih banyak Cinta, Lebih banyak Iman, Lebih banyak kemuliaan.

Lebih banyak Cinta, Lebih banyak Iman, Lebih banyak kemuliaan. Pengkotbah: Pastor Deborah Yohanes 11:1-6,17,21,39-40,43-44 1. Orang-orang yang dikasihi Tuhan itu menghadapi kesulitan dan kesulitan. (v1-6) 2 Mereka yang mencintai Tuhan menggerutu karena kecewa….(v17,21) 3. Mereka yang percaya pada Tuhan akan melihat kemuliaan Tuhan (v39-40,43-44)

Be the good seed that brings good harvest of the Kingdom

作好種,必成天國好莊稼 Be the good seed that brings good harvest of the Kingdom 一、天國正展開 仇敵出奧步(茅招)(v24-28a;v36-39a) The kingdom is expanding, the enemy is cheating (playing dirty) 二、等候齊收割 麥稗不同命(v28b-30;v39b-42) Wait till the harvest, wheats and tares end differently


夠了!不要再追債了! Enough! Stop collecting debts! 太Mat 18:21-35 一. 你欠更大的債,父神都免你 (v.21-27) However great your debt is, God pardons you 二. 你追更小的債,父神也追你(v.28-35) However small debt you collect, God collects yours

Kotbah minggu ini.

Kotbah minggu ini.      Pengkotbah :Pastor Deborah, Pastor Elaine Menyelamat ! Jangan lagi mengejar Hutang ! Matius 18:21-35 1. Kamu yang mengutang paling banyak, Allah Bapa juga melupakan.  V. 21-27                2. Kamu mengejar Hutang yang paling kecil, Allah Bapa juga akan Mengejar Kamu. V. 28 – 35

Enough! Stop collecting debts!

夠了!不要再追債了! Enough! Stop collecting debts! 太Mat 18:21-35 一. 你欠更大的債,父神都免你 (v.21-27) However great your debt is, God pardons you 二. 你追更小的債,父神也追你(v.28-35) However small debt you collect, God collects yours


投資在天國 Invest in the Kingdom 經文:太Matt25:14–30 壹. 人人有本錢.Everyone has capital(25:14–15) 貳. 投資一定賺 Investment will profit(太25:16–18) 參. 將來要交帳 We must give account in the future(太25:19–30) 1.不要 比較 Don’t compare(太25:20–23) 2.不要 埋沒 Don’t hide it(太25:24–30) 1.你有什麼恩賜或才幹?你想如何用在神的國度? What gifts or talents do you have? How can you use it in God’s kingdom? 2.你最想擁有一項什麼新的恩賜或才幹?分享並代求 What new gifts or talent do you wish to have the most? Please share and pray about it 3.當你將恩賜或才幹投資在天國,十年後你渴望看見什麼景況? When you invest your gifts and talents in God’s kingdom, in ten years time what do you long to see the most as a result?

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