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聽從智慧,得著七靈,生命蒙大福 Listen to wisdom, receive the seven Spirits and be greatly blessed 段樹仁牧師 Pastor Jason 箴言 Proverbs 8 一、眾人哪,當聽智慧的呼叫!(v1-11) O people, hear the cry of wisdom 二、得著神的靈,得著一切!(v12-31) Receive the Spirit of God is to receive everything 三、渴慕聽從智慧,得生命、得恩惠、得大福(v32-36) Desire to listen to Wisdom, receive life, favour and great blessings


選擇智慧,生命唯一出路 Choose wisdom, the only way out in life 周亦駿傳道Pastor Joash 箴Pro 7:1-27 一、守住父的話,得存活!(箴Pro 7:1-5) Keep the father’s words, and we will live 二、隨從慾望,必滅亡!(箴Pro 7:6-23,彼前1Pe 5:8) Follow our desires, we shall perish 三、聽從智慧,One Way!(箴Pro 7 :24-27) Obey wisdom, One Way!

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