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天國爆發力 The explosive power of the Kingdom of heaven 講員:王建勝牧師 Pastor Jason 日期:2020.05.17 語系:普(Mandarin)、粵(Cantonese) 經文:馬太福音 Matthew 13:31-33 一、身量倍增生命力 v.31-32 Stamina to multiply capacity 1. 量與質的大增長 Great increase in quantity and quality 2. 吸引與承托萬民 Attract and support all people 二、轉化群體感染力 v.33 Influence to transform multitudes


神用三大神蹟看顧我們 God visits us with three miracles 詩篇 Psalms 65 一、賜下罪得遮蓋的神蹟 v.1-4 Released the miracle of the covering of sins 二、賜下災難中有平安的神蹟 v.5-8 Released the miracle of peace amidst disaster 三、賜下生命之福的神蹟 v.9-13 Released the miracle of the blessing of life


努力進天國 Battling into the Kingdom of Heaven 講員:張戎牧師 Pastor Ruby, 何春卉傳道 Pastor Stella 經文:馬太福音 Matthew 13:1-23 1. 勝過外面的爭戰 (v.1-3a, 10-16) Overcome the outer battles 2. 勝過裏面的爭戰 (v.3b-9, 17-23) Overcome the inner battles


夠了!不要再追債了! Enough! Stop collecting debts! 太Mat 18:21-35 一. 你欠更大的債,父神都免你 (v.21-27) However great your debt is, God pardons you 二. 你追更小的債,父神也追你(v.28-35) However small debt you collect, God collects yours


你還要來跟從我 Come and follow me 講員:譚淑儀牧師 Pastor Debby Tam, 胡家穎傳道 Pastor Wing Wu 日期:2020.04.19 語系:粵(Cantonese)、普(Mandarin) 經文:馬太福音 Matthew 19:16-20:16 【引言】 在末世時候,耶穌向我們發出呼召:來跟從我! 你預備好跟從祂了嗎? 你還要來跟從我 Come and follow me


看見復活主 See the Risen Lord 講員:張恩年牧師 Pastor Joshua Cheung 經文:使徒行傳 Acts 26:15-18


有愛有信任 More Love, More Trust 講員:張恩年牧師 Pastor Joshua Cheung 日期:2020.04.05 經文:創世記 Genesis 15:1-6, 22:12-13; 約翰福音 John 3:16 一、慈愛生出信任 (創Gen 12-14) Love births trust 二、至大的愛生出至大的信 (創Gen 15-17,22) The greatest love births the greatest trust


選擇去愛 Choose to Love 講員:何傑牧師, 許靜族長 Pastor Ho Kit, MG Leader Joey 經文:太Mat 25:31-46 一. 面對愛的審問 (v.31-33) Face the Judgment of Love 二. 愛在小子身上 (v.34-40) Love the Least Brothers 三. 要回轉去愛 (v.41-46) Repent, Live a Life of Love


良善忠心天國人 Good and Faithful Kingdom People 講員:段樹仁族長 MG Leader Jason Tuan 語系:普(Mandarin)、粵(Cantonese) 經文:太25:14-30 一、要領受託付全力以赴v.14-18 Receive assignment and do your best 1. 人人領受主託 付v.14-15 Everyone receives assignment 2. 各人回應大不同 v.16-18 Everyone responds differently 二、要預備面對交賬的日子v.19-30 Prepare for the day of settlement 1. 忠僕得賞賜 v.19-23 Faithful servants are rewarded 2. 惡僕全部失 v.24-30 Wicked servants lose it all


自卑 信心 逆轉勝 Humility and faith, turning defeat into victory 一、自卑謙卑 (斯4:10-14) Humble and meek 二、信心決心(斯4:15-17) Determination out of faith 結論、大大得勝(斯9:1-2) Conclusion: Great victory

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