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活出榜樣真父親 Great Fathers Live by Example 講員:王建勝牧師 Pastor Jason 語系:普(Mandarin)、英(English) 經文:帖前1Th 2:9-12 大綱: 一、傳真道 不加重擔(v9) 1.Preach the Truth, not to impose burden 二、看重being有見證(v10) 2. Value “being” with testimonies 三、叫孩子 對得起神(v11-12) 3. Raise children worthy of God


擁抱妻子真丈夫 Great husband embraces his wife 講員:王建勝牧師 Pastor Jason, 張妙禪牧師 Pastor Anna 日期:2020.07.25 語系:普(Mandarin)、英(English) 經文:創Gen 2:24-25 大綱: 一、委身妻子的節奏(v24) Devote to the wife’s pace 二、主動敞開不遮掩(v25a) Willing to open up without hiding 三. 放下自卑得幫助 v.25b Let go of self-inferiority to seek help


有愛、有信、有榮耀! More love, more faith, more glory! 經文:約Jhn 11:1-6,17,21,39-40,43-44 大綱: 一. 神愛的人,雖有艱難患難⋯(v.1-6) Those God loves though encounter difficulties and hardships … 二. 愛神的人,雖有埋怨失望 ⋯(v.17,21) Those who love God though grumble with disappointment … 三. 信神的人,必看見神的榮耀 (v.39-40,43-44) Those who believe in God shall see God’s glory


天地之約 Covenant of Heavens and Earth 講員:張恩年牧師 Pastor Joshua, 張陳培南師母 C-Mo Delphine 經文:瑪拉基書Malachi 4:1-6 大綱: 1. 得醫治 Be healed (v.1-3) 2. 作王子 Be a prince (v.4) 3. 作父親 Be a father (v.5-6)


生命之歌 A Song of life 經文:詩篇 Psalm 113 1. 讚美 Praise (v.1-3) 2. 神坐 God sits (v.4-6) 3. 我坐 I sit (v.7-8) 4. 你坐 You sit (v.9)


末世的跟隨神4: Following God in the end times 要赴天國的筵席 Must attend Kingdom Banquet   一、空有呼召 不能進天國(1-7) Can not enter the kingdom of heavens with a vain calling 二、回應呼召 生命要改變(8-14) Respond to the call with a changed life


《末世中的跟隨神3》《Following God in the end times 3》 用信心跟隨最寶貴 Following by Faith is the Most Precious 經文:太21:28-32 1. 放下矛盾的回應 v.28-30 Lay down contradictory responses 2. 成為遵命的兒子 v.31 Become an obedient son 3. 因信進入神的國 v. 32 Enter God’s kingdom by faith


天國門徒最珍貴 Kingdom disciples are most valuable 經文:太13:44-52 一、主愛門徒如珍如寶 The Lord treasures His disciples (v44-46) 二、專心預備主再來(v47-50) Wholeheartedly prepare for the coming of the Lord 三、成為明白真道的天國門徒(v51-52) Become Kingdom disciples who understand the truth


末世中的跟隨神 Following God in the end time (太20:29-34;可10:46,52;路18:43) 1.看見自己看見神 See myself and see God 2.選擇窄門走小路 Choose the narrow gate and narrow path 3.顯明天國大能力 Reveal the mighty power of the Kingdom


天國現在隱藏,將來像太陽 The kingdom of Heavens is now hidden, but will shine like the sun 講員:張恩年牧師 Pastor Joshua 日期:2020.05.24 語系:普(Mandarin)、粵(Cantonese) 經文:馬太福音 13:24-30, 36-42 一、天國入侵魔鬼的國度 The Kingdom of Heavens invades the kingdom of devil 二、天國之子現在隱藏 The sons of the kingdom of heaven are now hidden 三、天國之子將來像太陽 The sons of the kingdom of heavens will shine like the sun

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