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原來祂足夠愛我 He actually loves me enough 經文:番 Zeph 3:17 1、 大能拯救的勇士 A mighty warrior who saves 2、默默付出的暖男 A gentleman who gives quietly 3、高調放閃的情人 A high profile lover


成功之道 Road to success 1. 美名恩寵 是成功 v1 Good name and favor is success 2. 自我價值 保成功 v2 Self-esteem keeps success 3. 智慧選擇 更成功 v3 Wise choices bring more success 4. 謙卑靠神 最成功 v4 Trust God humbly is the greatest success

Two Generation,One Way!

Two Generation,One Way! (提前4:11-16) 一) Two Generation彼此需要(提前4:13-14) 二) One Way拯救世代(提前4:15-16)


你的烏托邦系列一 我的快樂時代 Your-topia 1: My happy generation 屬天的快樂時代 Heavenly happy generation (太Matt 16:24-28) 1. 捨棄地上「烏托邦」 Let go of earthly “Utopia” (太Matt 16:24-26) 2. 屬天選擇經歷天國 Choose the heavenly, experience the Kingdom (太Matt 16:27-28)


我想你知 … I want you to know… 路加福音 15:25-32 一、關係隔離,很辛苦 (v25-32) Alienated in relationship is awful 1. 沒有靠近,似雇工 (v26) Not getting close just like a servant 2. 沒有表達,好壓抑 (v28) Not expressing just very suppressive 二、要相信,愛是出路 Believe love is the way out 1. 孩子,真感覺要說出口(v29-30) Children speak out your true feelings 2. 父母,動慈心開口勸勉 (v31-32) Parents guide them compassionately


我感謝你 I want to thank you

我們這一家 We are family:我明白你

我明白你 I know you 講員:國成牧師、亦駿族長 Speaker: Pastor Barnabas, Pastor Joash 一、作兒子,勇敢表達 As a son, express courageously 二、作父親,勝過虧欠 As a father, triumph over debt

It’s time to stand firm

It’s time to stand firm 周亦駿族長 MG leader Joash 1. 站在對的位置 Stand in the right spot (但 Dan 1:8-9) 2. 堅持對的行動 Hold on to the right actions (但 Dan 2:11-12,17-18, 6:7,9-10,23) 3. 聆聽對的聲音 Listen to the right voice (但 Dan 1:21,2:19,7:1,9:1,10:1)

Time to Trust

題目:Time to trust 患難中信靠神 Trust God during difficult times 經文:但以理書 Dan 3:8-30 講員:孫明真傳道 Pastor Esther 一) 目光專注仰望神 (V.8-12) Fix your eyes on God 二) 持續識神長信心 (V.13-18) Keep knowing God increase in faith 三) 神蹟同在被提升 (v.19-30) Miracles, God’s presence and promoted

It’s Time to Help

It’s time to help 患難中互相扶持成為安慰人的器皿 講員:許靜族長、許國之族長 MG leader Joey, MG leader Calvin 經文:林多後書一章 1-6節 2 Cor 1:1-6 一.        站對你的位置V1-2 Stand at the right position 二.        摸著父神的心V3  Feel the Father’s heart 三.        得著安慰秘技V4-6 The secret to receiving comfort

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