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有神同在 逆境無懼

有神同在 逆境無懼 With God, be fearless in adversity 黃偉強族長 MG leader Wai Keung 1. 有神同在 凡事盡都順利 With God, succeed in everything 2. 有神同在 跨越人生低谷 With God, overcome life’s valleys 3. 有神同在 成就更美祝福 With God, become a greater blessing


非凡時刻、非凡神蹟 Extraordinary times,extraordinary miracles 溫志雅族長 MG leader Alex Wan 1. 非凡時刻 (哈Hab 3: 16-17) Extraordinary times a. 聽得到、看得見 Heard and seen b. Good Time, God Time 好的時刻,神的時刻 2. 非凡神蹟(哈Hab3: 18-19) Extraordinary miracles a. 神是喜樂「真」泉源 God is the “real” source of joy b. 穩行在高處 Tread on the heights

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