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認識天父的愛 Knowing the love of our heavenly Father 講員:周亦駿族長 MG leader Joash Chow 詩Psa103:6-18 1. 寬廣的愛 Vast love (6-12) 2. 憐恤的愛 Compassionate love (13-14) 3. 沒有限期的愛 Everlasting love (15-18)


我是神原創 (詩Psa 139:13-18) I am God’s original creation 講員:曾芷筠族長 MG leader Crystal Tsang 一) 我被造So wonderful!(v.13-16a) So wonderful! I am created 二)我生命How Precious!(v.16b-18) How precious is my life!


銀河唯一的秘密 The only secret in the universe 講員:劉耀基傳道 Pastor Asaph Lau   一、祂是唯一的神 He is the only God 神能力最大偶像不能及 God’s power is the greatest no idols can match 2. 只有神叫人豐盛 Only God makes people abundant   二、唯一的神最愛你 The only God loves you most 神尊重人選擇 God respect people’s choices 人選錯神包底 When people chooses wrongly God covers them


作選擇神的世代(士6:11-24)   一)相信神仍同在(士6:11-16) 二)宣告神賜平安(士6:17-24)


鷹擊長空,翱翔逆風 Eagle soar against the current 講員:王帆牧師 Pastor Adino   一)天父愛我,背我如鷹 Heavenly father loves me, carries me like eagle   二)鷹擊長空,不懼艱辛 Eagle soar, fearless of hardship   三)展翅上騰,翱翔逆風 Soar on wings, against the current


一切從這關係開始 It all begins with this relationship 出Ex 20:1-3     一、耶和華是「我」的神 Jehovah is “my” God (v.1-2)   二、活在神隨時同在中 Live in God’s constant presence (v.3)  


為什麼神不出手?Why didn’t God do something?   一、我被賣被屈,為什麼神不出手?I was sold and falsely accused, why didn’t God do something? 創世記 Genesis 37:26-28   二、該賞反遭害,為什麼神不出手?I should be rewarded but suffered instead, why didn’t God do something? 以斯帖記 Esther 2:21-23   三、我為主受難,為什麼神不出手?I suffered for the Lord, why didn’t God do something?  使徒行傳 Acts 6:8, 10, 7:54-60

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