ALL IN,定意尋求神 ALL IN, resolved to inquire of the Lord;Still & See,發出大讚美 Still & See, praise with a loud voice
一、資訊多 人心易搖晃!二、God is the boss!得呀!
拯救世代的收生婆 Midwives who saved generations 講員:周婉婷傳道 Pastor Hadassah Chow (一)時代困局中 畏神不畏人 (出Ex 1:15-17) Facing dilemma fear God not people (二)敬畏神 救己又救人(出Ex 1:18-22) Fearing God saves yourself and others
彰顯榮耀的跟隨者 Glory reflecting follower 講員:嚴浩恩同工 Co-worker Jackson 1. 委身憐憫 Commit to mercy (徒 Acts 6:1-7) 2. 信心跟隨 Follow in faith (徒 Acts 6:8-12) 3. 彰顯基督 Reflect Christ (徒Acts 6:15, 7:58-60, 8:1,4)
出奇制勝 Surprising Win 講員:辜寶蘭傳道 Pastor Pauline Koo 1. 自卑禁食尋求神 Seek God in humility and fasting(斯Est 4:15-16) 2. 全然得勝享平安 Enjoy peace in total victory (斯Est 9:20-22)
小女子?大器皿!Little girl? Mighty vessel! 經文:王下 2 Kings 5:1-3、14、15、17 ㄧ. 看見權柄的需要 Seeing authorities’ needs(v1-2) 二. 抓對諫言好時機 Seizing the opportunity to advise(v3) 三. 成就神蹟大器皿 Being a mighty vessel of miracles(v14、15、17)