Beloved Son
講員:潘國成牧師 Pastor Barnabas
經文:出埃及記 Exodus 15:22-27
1. 人生必經歷考驗15:22-25a
Life must be tested
2. 最重要聽神的話15:25b-26
Listen to God is most important
3. 至終必得享安息15:27
Shall enjoy rest at the end
Beloved Son
講員:潘國成牧師 Pastor Barnabas
經文:出埃及記 Exodus 15:22-27
1. 人生必經歷考驗15:22-25a
Life must be tested
2. 最重要聽神的話15:25b-26
Listen to God is most important
3. 至終必得享安息15:27
Shall enjoy rest at the end