Bring upon revival through fasting

經文Scripture:以賽亞書 Isaiah 58:1-12

Selfish and evil deeds are not acceptable by God (Isaiah 58:1-5)

1. 苦代別人求利益 Mistreating others for profits

2. 互相爭競傷別人 Competition hurt others

Love others and do good deeds are acceptable by God (Isaiah 58:6-9)

1. 醫治釋放得自由 Healing and deliverance set you free

2. 成為祝福的器皿 To become a blessed vessel

Fasting and prayer bring revival (Isaiah 58:10​-12)


討論題目Questions for Discussion:

1. 試用1-10分(10分最高)去形容你對禱告的投入度。為甚麼?
Describe how much you devote in prayer with the scale 1-10. (10 points the most devoted)

2. 你最常為何人/何事去禱告?
Who or what do you usually pray for?

3. 教會這次40天禁食,你會如何參與其中?
For the 40-day fasting period this time, how would you involve yourself in it?