The beautiful blessing God has given us

創世記 Genesis 1

Enjoy the creations from God

Live out as a steward

【小組討論題目 Questions for Discussion】

  1. 面對現今世界的黑暗和混亂,你有否懷疑神的創造出錯了?
    Facing the worldly darkness and chaos, have you ever doubted God may have made a mistake in His creation?
  2. 人對今天世界的狀況有多大程度上的責任?
    To what extent human beings should be responsible for the world circumstances today?
  3. 為你的「生活管理指數」打分(10分最高)。為何你會給這個分數?哪一方面須要改善?
    Rate your “life management index” (score 10 will be the highest). Why do you score this rate? Which area would you like to improve?