男仔,要做個真男人! 女仔,要識分好男人!
Boys, be a real man! Girls, know what’s a good man!

斯 Esther. 3:1-6, 5:12-14、弗5:25

A. 以自己行先,非man也
Putting yourself first, how unmanly (斯 3:1-6)

B. 自我感覺良好,致命也 (斯 5:12-14)
Feeling good about yourself, how deadly

C. 學會捨己,真男人也 (弗5:25)
Learn to give yourself up, how manly!

【小組討論題目 Questions for Discussion】

  1. [男生組] 你想成為怎樣的的男性?
    [For Boys] What kind of man do you want to be?
  2. [女生組] 有什麼男性特質妳是很欣賞的?
    [For Girls] Any traits of a male do you appreciate the most?
  3. 你生命中有沒有「崇拜能力」的足跡?它怎樣影響你?
    Is any footprint of ‘worshipping power’ left in your life? How does it affect you?
  4. 你是一個自省的人嗎?在小組裡跟大家分享自己的生命低位。
    Are you capable in self-reflection? Share your lowest points of your life in cell.