題目: 渴慕神成就超凡器皿
Topic: Desiring God shape extraordinary vessels

講員:劉耀基傳道 Pastor Asaph
經文:詩篇 Psalm 27:1-6

一、有神,動盪裡心得安穩 (v.1-3)
With God, my heart find rest in turmoil

二、渴慕,帶下超越的同在 (v.4-6)
Desire, bring forth His supreme presence

【小組討論題 Questions for Discussion】

  1. 你今天所面對的艱難和動盪是什麼?一起在小組中宣告「有神」,一起經歷屬天的安穩。
    What turmoils and hardship you are facing today? Let’s proclaim in cell group that God is in control so we can experience heavenly peace.
  2. 你今天對神的渴慕有多少分?(1-10分)你是否相信我們的渴慕可以帶下神的同在?
    How much you desire God today (on the scale of 1 to 10)? Do you believe our desire can bring down God’s presence?