For God Has Planted Us, Let’s Upgrade!

講員:Edmond 同工

【大綱 Outline】
一、不放棄有憐憫 (v1-3)
A. With mercy, never give up

二、連結神得果子 (v4-5)
B. Connect with God, bear fruit

三、得滿足榮耀神 (v8)
C. When fully satisfied, God is glorified

【討論題目 Questions for Discussion】

  1. 分享被牧養中,組長最幫助你成長的一件事。
    Share one thing that your cell leader help you most in your growth.
  2. 教會生活中,你最感到滿足的是什麼?
    What was your most satisfying memory in your church life.
  3. 跟組長組員分享一張教會生活的照片,你在照片中看見和明白了什麼?
    Share a photo of church life with your cell. What can you see and understand in the photo?