普珥節快樂﹗ 今周少、青崇合併教會主日崇拜以先,由Basil傳道帶大家遊歷普珥節故事、領受反敗為勝的祝福﹗
Happy Purim! This week, before joining the Sunday Main Service, Ps Basil’s going to bring us to a tour of Purim and receive the blessing of turning failure into blessing!

普珥節快樂﹗ 今周少、青崇合併教會主日崇拜以先,由Basil傳道帶大家遊歷普珥節故事、領受反敗為勝的祝福﹗
Happy Purim! This week, before joining the Sunday Main Service, Ps Basil’s going to bring us to a tour of Purim and receive the blessing of turning failure into blessing!