憐憫! Action!
Mercy! Action!

馬太福音 Matthew 5:7、路加福音 Luke 10:25-37

1. 你的鄰舍需要「你」(路Luk 10:30-32)
Your neighbour needs ‘you’

2. 憐憫鄰舍四步曲(路Luk 10:33-37)
The tetralogy of showing mercy to your neighbour
i) 眼睛要看!
Seeing with your eyes!
ii) 慈心要動!
Mercy in motion !
iii) 方法要對!
Acting in right way!
iv) 資源要有!
Mobilizing resources!

3. 有福了!你必蒙憐恤(太Matt 5:7;路Luk 10:29, 36-37)