Get to know what love is NOW

講員: 陳靜宜Ripple 同工,何尚喜Edmond 同工
經文: 創Gen 2:18-25

一、 真「識」戀愛得幫助(V18)
Know love and you will be helped

二、 真實認識我你祂(V19-23)
Truly know myself, others and God

【小組討論題 Questions for Discussion】

  1. 你認識朋友時, 比較注意對方的什麼?
    When you get to know new friends, what are you looking for when you meet them?
  2. 這一刻你認為自己的生命有甚麼可以成熟, 可以令你與人之間的關係更好?
    What are some areas in your life that need to be more mature in order to build better relationships with others?