Be Pure and simple 系列二:回轉像小孩

嚴浩恩同工 Jackson Yim
馬太福音 18:1-5

一)信任天父 (太18:1-3)
Trust the Heavenly Father (Mat18:1-3)

Humble oneself (Mat18:4-5)

【小組討論問題 Questions for Discussion】

  1. 在過去成長中,有否因家庭和學校的壓力,生命被扭曲,失去對神對人單純信心和愛?
    In your past, was there any part of your life twisted because of family and school life, and you have lost the pure and simple heart towards God and others?
  2. 在那一方面你需要回轉像小孩?
    Any part of your life needs to turn and become little child?