


There is tree of life at my home too

1. 揮出柔和的寶劍 v1-2

Wield the sword of tenderness

2. 天父住在我家中 v3

Father lives in my home

3. 粉碎家中的歪理 v4

Scatter distorted truth in family


Discussion question

1. 請分享平時你與父母溝通互動的日常及溝通中最困難的部分

Please share what are the hardest areas in  your day to day communication with your parents.

2. 你認識你的父母嗎? 請介紹你眼中的父母(例如:個性、優點、專長、、),並說出欣賞父母的地方

Do you know your parents? Please share about how they are in your perspective (e.g. personally, strengths, good at, etc.) Share what you like about them

3. 請組長祝福組員回答柔和並有溫良的舌

Cell leader please bless the members to have a good and gentle tougue