Establish Holiness in an Adulterous Generation
周亦駿傳道 Pastor Joash
提後 2 Tim 2:14-26
1. 竭力作宣講真理的工人
Be diligent to be a worker who proclaims the truth
2. 自潔作聖潔合用的器皿
Sanctify yourself as a holy and serviceable vessel
Establish Holiness in an Adulterous Generation
周亦駿傳道 Pastor Joash
提後 2 Tim 2:14-26
1. 竭力作宣講真理的工人
Be diligent to be a worker who proclaims the truth
2. 自潔作聖潔合用的器皿
Sanctify yourself as a holy and serviceable vessel