ing a song of hope in affliction

哀 Lam 3

一、唱出「我」的哀困 (哀 Lam 3:1-18)
Sing of “my” affliction

二、哀困到盼望的三部曲 (Lam 3:19-45)
Three steps from hardship to hope

2.1 第一部:原是有GOODNESS (哀 Lam 3:19-30)
Firstly: Intentions of GOODNESS

2.2 第二部:終有憐憫公義(哀 Lam 3:31-36)
Secondly: Ultimately there will be compassion and justice

2.3 第三部:總有回轉機會 (哀 Lam 3:37-45)
Thirdly: There’s always a chance to repent