Escape from Pride and Inferiority

自卑自大,點樣先係合乎中道? Grow to Glow 系列最後一講將探討如何學習用神的眼光明白我是誰!
How do we stand right between pride and inferiority? This last sermon of Grow to Glow Series will discuss how to identify ourselves with God’s sight!

經文Scripture:士師記 Judges 6:11​-15; 8:16​-17,27,31、羅馬書Rom 12:3

【大綱 Outline】

I. Inferiority limits the work of God (Judg 6:11​-15)

II. Pride oversteps the status of God (Judg 8:16​-17,27,31)

III. Receive faith Stand on the right position (Rom12:3)

【討論題目Questions for Discussion】

1. 你會否在自大與自卑中擺來擺去?
Do you always swing between pride and feeling inferiority?

2. 你如何看自己的強處及弱點?試給一些例子
How do you see your strength and weaknesses? Explain each by giving a few examples.