Love and Truth is Here

經文Scripture:約翰一書 1 John 3:18​; 4:12​,16-18、約翰福音 John 8:31​-34


一。在這裡住在完全的愛中(約一 4:12​,16-18)
A. Live in complete love in here (1Jhn 4:12​,16-18)

二。在這裡學懂付出愛(約一 3:18​)
B. Learn to love in here (1Jhn 3:18​ )

C. We have truth and freedom in here (Jhn 8:31​​-34)

【討論題目Questions for Discussion】

1. 你害怕在教會和組長面前敞開自己嗎?為甚麼?
Are you afraid to open-up yourself to cell leader and in church? Why or why not?

2. 你覺得讀經有困難嗎?為甚麼?
Do you find reading the Bible difficulty? Why or why not?