跨越黑歷史系列 第一講︰青春形象改造歷史

Dark history series #1: A Complete Makeover



Brand New Image


創 Genesis 1:27, 31;林後2 Corinthians 5:17


  1. 有神形象 (創Gen 1:27, 31)

Having God’s image


  1. 男女都好 (創Gen 1:27)

Both male and female are good


  1. 形像更新 (林後2Cor 5:17)

Image renew



Discussion questions

1) 你喜歡自己的性別嗎? 試分享你喜歡自己什麼?

Do you like your gender? Please share what do you like about yourself.


2) 你會否有些東西很想被神更新的呢?例如你的性格、一些習慣、與人相處模式等等。

Is there something you really want God to renew in you? e.g. your personality, habits and relationship with others.